the UniCredit NavCenter
a quarter century in the making
the challenge to use it well
The concept of the NavCenter has been under continuous development for 25 plus years. Over this last year, the latest expression of this concept for UniCredit Bank, has been my major focus. This is the most advanced NavCenter environment built to date. Below, is the story of its origins, design and building and the vision(s) which created it.
Like all complex works of art, this story involves a large number of key players.
GoT0: part one of eight - the first week
GoT0: part one of six - the first six months
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Matt Taylor
December 26, 2006


SolutionBox voice of this document:


posted: December 26, 2006

revised: December 26, 2006
• •

(note: this document is about 1% finished)

Copyright© Matt Taylor 2006
Leonado Images copyright© Leonardo3 2006

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