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This is a Hypertext version of the Patent Pending
by iterations of the Taylor System and Method

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History of the Invention



The first work on this Patent was started (by Matt Taylor) in the mid 1960s. This lead to a number of Thought Experiments that continue to this day. These were, originally, formulated in roughly three areas: the nature of mind and how any intelligent system works; the augmentation of human work by computer systems; and, the organization and facilitation of groups of individuals and organizations to do work - commonly, today, called “supply chains.”

In the early 1970s, Gail Goodman (Gail Taylor) started certain systematic work to discover learning processes and the nature of “Group Genius.” She built an organization, “The Learning Exchange” to further develop and teach her education and collaboration insights. Gail and Matt met and started working together in the mid 1970s and began integrating their prior discoveries.

This partnership lead, in 1979, to the formation of what is, today, MG Taylor Corporation. Over the last 20 years, MG Taylor has conducted a series of tests and experiments, of this Invention, in the real world of commerce. This has involved using aspects of the Invention, itself, to create the components of the Invention - a systematic “bootstrap” method. This has involved using a for-profit corporation as a lab because that is the only legitimate environment for an Invention of this nature.



By 1982, the essential formulation regarding the close association of processes, tools and environments was put to a series of tests via a process product called the DesignShop process. In 1980, 82, 83, 85, 87, 91, 96, 97, 98 and 99, a series of physical environments were built - now called NavCenters - that further tested these relationships.



In Boulder, in 1981, and in Washington DC, in 1984, The inventors sought legal advise regarding the patentability of their work. In both cases they were discouraged from pursuing the matter. Nevertheless, work proceeded as if the Invention was indeed subject to patent. Because of this, many specific products and services have been put into the Public Domain, however, the totally of the System and Method has never been practiced, as a system, prior to the first patent filing, in 1997, of the present System and Method. Developing the ideas, the methods, the tools, the ValueWeb, the technology to reach “Level One” (the critical mass when the system acts as a system) has been a concurrent engineering process. In 1996 and 1997, the inventors again sough legal advise. On the second try, it became clear that several key threads had come together: the broadening of patentability, the maturity and clarity of the concept and its articulation, the body of knowledge and evidence accumulated in 17 years of experiments and component development, and, the commercial opportunity to conduct work on a scale that demonstrated and tested the concepts.

A long gestation period from ideas and insights to a tested, defined, transferable System and Method of work was required by the very nature of the Invention itself.

In xxx this Patent was filed as a Provisional Patent and has be added to on xxx and xxx. There has been a continuous feedback between the Patent writing process, product and service development and design, and market application, the result of which, is the Invention in its present form.












What this Patent is actually getting at is not, at first, easy to grasp. It cannot be approached in conventional terms. It includes business process, work process and functional elements that make up a integrated System and Method. This System and Method is highly integrated. It spans a broad spectrum of human activity roughly focused on how work is conducted by individuals and teams and how value is created by social systems of various kinds and sizes.

This Patent can be seen as a business process patent but it goes beyond this simple definition.

Because of the complexity of this scope, the Patent is divided into 6 Subsystems, however, these cannot be totally understood or employed with the highest level of effectiveness except in terms of each other. The Subsystems inter-operate.

For something to be patented it must pass a series of tests. It must be non-obvious. It must be useful. It must be repeatable with the information disclosed in the patent by one capable in the art.

To demonstrate what this Patent is about, one aspect of it, from Subsystem 2 is discussed in the following explanation:

It has long been know that certain architectural values are prized by the vast majority of humans from all cultures. These are articulated in Alexander’s Pattern Language work, by Olmsted work utilizing Prospect and Refuge and the work of others such as Frank Lloyd Wright. It is also widely accepted that knowledge Workers as defined by Peter Drucker require larger, more adaptable work space with high levels of computer and multimedia augmentation. It is also recognized that these same knowledge workers have to have both individual and team spaces. At the same time, economic pressures are requiring that knowledge workers be housed in less space, a lower costs, in shorter fulfillment time cycles.

These two sets of circumstances, what knowledge workers need and what they afforded are in direct opposition given today’s understanding and way-of-building.

Highly refined custom building can meet the basic needs of knowledge workers but fails the tests of economy and time-to-value. Standard manufactured office layouts lack flexibility, scope and fail to meet Pattern Language and other primary architectural values.

The System and Method of the present Invention addresses this dilemma directly. Utilizing a set of architectural shapes and forms, densities, equal to and sometimes greater, than today’s standard are met while consistently providing more useable space per worker and consistently meeting known and accepted Pattern language and other values previously only accomplished by expensive and time consuming custom processes. This is regularly achieved with off-the-shelf manufactured product accomplishing high variety, user-adaptable, environments in 30 day design/build time frames at affordable costs.

There is no other known method for doing this. It is clearly non-obvious or, given the billions of dollars at stake, it would be common practice prior to this Invention. It is clearly useful. It can be replicated.

To be accomplished, a number of specific aspects of the System and Method outlined in Subsystem 2 have to be place. These include the use of certain forms and shapes. These forms and shapes can only be economically accomplished if manufactured at some scale. These WorkFurnitue elements have to be used in certain ways if the desired effects are to be achieved. This use requires certain work processes to be employed. Certain methods of tracking, evaluating, adjusting are necessary. Technical aspects related to technology have to be solved. Thus, all Subsystems of the Invention are required to both make and employ the elements that provide the desired result.

This example is but one aspect of the Invention. The pattern outlined in this explanation, however, will be found throughout in a myriad of other applications.

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Matt Taylor 843 671 4755


posted May 27, 2000

revised May 27, 2000
• 20000527.204053.mt • 20000617.191948.mt •

(note: this document is about 1% finished)

Copyright© 2000 Matt Taylor

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