Worthy Problems
Strategic Problems Worth Solving
part one of two


What problems - if solved well - would make a significant improvement in the state of the world?


In our System and Method, we recognize that problems are created - not given [link]. Too often, they are confused with conditions. Since we humans tend to solve the problem we create, it is important that we take great care in the choosing.


Inappropriate problems - or improperly defined ones - can lead to disastrous “solutions” full of unintended consequences [rdtfBook].


Good problems are surprisingly hard to come by.


I have though long about this - and about the criteria of what makes a good problem and a good outcome. A good problem is definable and solvable. It is useful when solved. It is something that those who work it are passionate about. A good solution is sustainable. It produces both individual wealth and commonwealth - in balance. It is an appropriate response to the conditions that fueled it. It is practical and an expression of art. It is economical and ecological. It is fun to do - it is recreational. It augments life in all life’s forms. It demands learning and improvement and does not come easy. It requires the best of all who are involved - it transforms.

A Worthy Problem is a special class of Problems which exhibit the following additional characteristics: they address systemic issues on multiple levels of recursion and generate Worthy Projects which produce viable solutions that resolve long-term/short-term, local/global, economic/ecological “conflicts.” The practical/ideal dichotomy is defeated. This process is defined in more detail in my paper Worthy Problem Method [link:worthy problem method].
The purpose of the environments we build, be they NavCenters [link], offices [link] or a RDS [link] is to facilitate Humankind’s ability to identify and solve Worthy Problems. Every one of these environments have to “earn a living” by augmenting the work and financial well being of the organization which operates them. As a network, however, they make a capacity that has never existed before on Earth [link]. This is the function of the ValueWeb [link] architecture and the promise that the complex, systemic conditions, that now plague us, can be recreated [link] into problems that meet the specification stated above - and then, that these problems can be disolved (not “solved”) generating unlimited opportunities. The immediate focus of our work is to support those, whom we call Transition Managers, who have developed compency in both the “old” world systems and the one not yet born by dedicating their skills and effort to facilitating the transiton from one to another [link: mg taylor mission]. From the begiining of this work in the mid 70s, to us a global transformation of humanity was a given. The question was at what cost and to what outcome.
what _gets_my_attention

What follows is a list of what I believe are worthy problems. Ones that are at the heart of our Human Enterprise. Each is worthy; altogether, they make an architecture that suggests a significant agenda for the first period of the 21st century. Following my criteria, they “call me” to action. I have spent my adult life becoming worthy of their attention. In different ways, the projects that will make the next quarter century of my life will address these problems with both means (to get at problems such as these) and solutions (examples that demonstrate the specific, practical solution and provide a general approach to the class the problem represents).


I have thinking about these problems for many years, and will continue to document them as time goes on. These long-intended ideas will, thus, be recreated and restated in contemporary terms, as an exercise in an ongoing re-defining of my future work [link]. Many will resonate with these Worthy Problems yet this is far from a complete list. I do not offer these as the only issues which should be addressed. There is plenty of room for more. Remember there are two definitions - the integrity of which should be respected - involved here; first, the definition of a real problem (which is created out of a circumstance and a desire), And second, the sub-set of real problems which I call Worthy. This does not mean that other problems are bad, inferior or not-worthy. I use worthy merely as a means of addressing those class of problems which allow us to work both global and local, systemic and specific, idealistic and pragmatic. All of these are in reality the same. Each of us has to follow own insight and passion and when we do so with insight and integrity it will be seen that there is a worthy aspect in everything we do.


Matt Taylor
Palo Alto
March 16, 2002
Updated September 1, 2007

Now, in 2007, the WEF is considering making Worthy Problems the focus of the WorkSpace at the 08 Annual Meeting in DAVOS. This may or not come about. There are valid arguments for both sides of the decision. I believe that it is as an ideal introduction of Worthy Problems that can be conceived at the present time.

Death of the Nation State
issue identified 1985 • posted: April 14, 2002




The Nation State is dying. This is the good news. The bad news is that there is no credible, tested alternative. There are multiple reasons why the Nation State was created and many of these pertain to the securing of human rights. Now, the Nation State is becoming the biggest threat to those same rights. Just letting it collapse, however, will most likely lead to a worse situation as raw power is likely to fill the vacuum. The migration from the Nation State to the next phase of human social evolution will be one of the most tricky transformations in human history.


The rise of state-terrorism and non-sanctioned terrorism; the decline in public participation in the governance process; intelligent political discourse being replaced with “spin;” Politicians running for office by running against government; Increasing military budgets; spread of weapons of mass destruction; Environmental degradation; Linkage of corporations and the political apparatus; Multinational corporations exercising excessive political power;

Problem Statement

Design, Promote and Prototype the peaceful evolution of, and transition to, viable political-economic structures that will replace the dying Nature State governance architecture. This is a long term project. It will require demonstration on many levels of governance recursion.


ReBuilding the Future Course [link]. Constitutional Amendment [link]. New Political Party Platform [link]. RDS @ Davos 05 [link] - and beyond.

Structure Wins September 11, 2001

Loss of Planet Earth as a Human Habitat
April 17, 2002




There are over 100,000 objects in the asteroid belt that are not plotted and thought capable of destroying the Earth. Recently, a large asteroid flew by the Earth some 40,000 odd miles away - a near miss on the scale of a solar system. Scientists discovered it three days after the fly by.

There is ample historical, geological and anthropological evidence that there have been many global and local-scale catastrophic events in human history that have in the past destroyed major portions of the human race. The last large scale destruction being about 15,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age - a blink in geological time. Planet “X” whatever it is is like to be a real long-cycle threat.

The impact of humankind’s own actions on the Earth’s weather, ice packs and ocean levels is not incorporated in the design of ongoing and future cites and “public works” projects. This is a massive positive feedback loop capable of triggering global weather and geological instabilities.

There are numerous possible scenarios related to war or run-away technologies that can lead to the abrupt extinction of the human race.



The default working assumption that Earth has “evolved” to the point to where is it now stable and will support human life indefinitely; Inability of business, social and political institutions to function long term outside the context of immediate threat; the short term focus and self-fulfilling prophecy of existing value measures such as money and market mechanisms; the “species” arrogance of the human race based on a few thousand years of mostly bloody civilization; Our inability - and willingness to try - to see the Earth and our actions as a single system that produces synergistic results.


Problem Statement

Create feedback mechanisms, at different time and physical scope scales, that will begin bringing stability to an Earth-Human system that is now on a positive feedback loop rampage; And, build the capacity for alternative human habitats in the case that we do not learn in time how to steward the planet we now live on or in the circumstance that it is destroyed by means outside our control.



The Gaia Project. Bootstrape Into Space. Master Planning Project. ReBuilding the Future Course.



This way of thinking and working has utility in everyday affairs, as well as, related to species survival issues. Systemic capability is essential for the long term survival, health, propriety and happiness of the human race. Our own works are now approaching the complexity of nature and exceed our understanding and ability to predict and control the consequences that follow from them. The tools we create to give us prediction and control will be used to create new complexities thereby accelerating, again, change and unpredictability. A global economy is an ecological system. Solutions to the problems created by our past successes are not unrelated to our ability to create future successes.



Network of CentersCrystal Cave


Affordable/Sustainable Housing
April 19, 2002



Affordable housing is not just a problem for those with low income. Little of human housing, anywhere, at any cost, is sustainable economically and ecologically. Much of housing in the aggregate on the community and city levels reflects and promotes (positive feedback loop) unhealthy social conditions. Simply being able to pay a mortgage payment now, is not an adequate feedback loop to promote a stable development process. The so called construction industry is fragmented and inefficient.



A fragmented industry; building codes that inhibit innovation; the attraction of the best talent to “high-end” projects; predominance of single-generational families; housing as a commodity instead as a distributed skill within the population; how architecture is taught; prevailing models of what is a home; expensive, ecologically unsound building components that bias towards inappropriate solutions; infrastructure dependence; insurance and financing “standards;” Lack of project management at lower end of the construction industry; failure to lever technology; predominance of passive business relationships; structure of the entire housing industry.


Problem Statement




Post Usonion Project. EcoSphere. Usonion One. HabitatMakers. Domicile.


Appli- cations

Affordable housing is an ideal R&D environment. The theory, today, is that innovation trickle downs from high-end work; this process is not working well. Innovation comes better from a constrained environment.



Real Estate Development
• Swimming Pool Story
• NASA Model
UpSideDown Economics



Animal and Plant Entrapment
April 19, 2002




Animal and plants survive weather and food variability by migrating. Human development is cutting the planet into segments that denies them the means for solving their changing habitat conditions. Even where there is sufficient space for both humans and other species to prosper, human architecture sprawls and connects dense nodes in unnecessary ways that are destructive to many life forms. Random human development is accelerating defended by the notion that the alternative is human denial or habitat destruction or the creation of unacceptable costs. The third alternative: that of good design, that integrates the requirements of all species, is not, presently, even in the debate.



Ecologically unsound cities and infrastructure; predominance of the economic development paradigm; human versus nature dichotomy; “might makes right” moral system; notion of the “inferiority” of animals; general ignorance and indifference to sustainable policies and their economics; food policies and farming practices; the in-place linkage of consumerism to happiness;


Problem Statement




The Red Thread Project. The Gaia Project. Master Planning Project.






Mega CitiesDomicile



The “Rights” of All
yyyy xx, 2000




The United States is presently the most free country in the world. We should not take this condition for granted and we should recognize that it took 200 years to get where we are after we explicitly committing ourselves to the idea of freedom for everyone. In the beginning. “everyone” was defined as white males who owned land. We have steadily expanded this definition ever since. The Civil War was fought 142 years ago, a women’s right to vote was accomplished within a couple of decades of my birth, segregation was defeated in the streets while I was in high school and legally ended after I had voted in two elections. The Supreme Court protected academic freedom in a 1928 ruling and WWI was the last time anyone went to jail for merely writing a letter to their Senator questioning the draft.

We should remember that these freedoms were hard fought, caused the spilling of much blood, and are fragile.

While the US has done much good in the world, we have often used our military and economic power to act unilaterally in our own narrow geopolitical and economic interests.

This has caused much hardship for millions of people who have no voice in the affairs of humankind.

There are many legitimate arguments as to the rightness and wrongness about everyone of these interventions and these disagreements are capable of going on forever. We will never completely sort them out because of the complexity involved. It is better to act on principles that can be a reliable guide and regulate our own national behavior accordingly. This is what we have learned to do most of the time inside our own borders and this habit has become the very foundation of our freedoms.

Unfortunately, outside our borders another standard applies. A murderer has more rights - and a better process of protection - in our country, than has an innocent citizen - who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time - does in a country we happen to have a dispute with or happens to “be in the way” as so many places were during the Cold War and now in the time of Terrorism.




Problem Statement  

Promote a Constitution Amendment that would unilaterally grant all the RIGHTS - not the privileges - of US Citizenship to all people of the world not matter their race, religion, economic circumstance or the political system where they live.










Igorance, Hate and Loss of Real Citizenship
yyyy xx, xxxx








Problem Statement  











Planetary Architecture
yyyy xx, xxxx








Problem Statement  










The Worlthy Problem outlined above only begin to scratch the rang and scope of opportunitys we have..
GoTo: part two of two
Matt Taylor
Palo Alto
March 16, 2002


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posted: March 16, 2002

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(note: this document is about 15% finished)

Copyright© Matt Taylor 2002, 2003

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