The Crystal Cave

Home of the GAIA project
and the Master Planning Process

Link to brief description of this project



The Crystal Cave is the third iteration of the Renascense Project concept. It is most true to the original concept.


The location of this iteration is designated to be Glenwood Springs in Colorado. On a river, adjacent to a highway 24 hours to Chicago and San Francisco by train AND an open “wilderness” recreational environment. A perfect location for the research-design center stewarding the GAIA, Master Planning and “Red Thread” projects. It is also intended that project like Speranova would be designed here. This is the PLACE for the Cathedral Builders - those that will practice design and building with the highest fiduciary duty to all life forms. This kind of practice requires a certain mind set and this environment is designed to provoke and facilitate this attitude.


In addition, this work draws a certain inspiration from Mary Steward’s telling of the Arthurian Legend: The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, The Last Enchantment and The Wicked Day. Steward’s description of Merlin as teacher, engineer, healer and magician makes a robust model of the kind of artist/engineer necessary to this work.


I grew up in and spend the largest proportion of my youth in “intentional” communities. The Renascense Project IS such an effort. It is a deliberately designed community with a total dedication to a specific agenda. An agenda that will take decades to get fully started let alone made complete. The environment plays a large role in this kind of circumstance - greater than other situations. I expect to work and live here, of course, however, this does not substitute for my own private work studio.


I expect that this will be true for the vast majority who work and live in the Crystal Cave although some may find an exclusive lifelong practice in this venue. The Crystal Cave, then, has to project a strong armature that MAKES an unique place to be and that focuses those who are there on a specific mission. This requires an environment that is more intentional and “extreme” than necessary or correct in more common circumstances.


The Crystal Cave is literally that. It will be caved out of rock and enclosed with Crystal shaped “skylights” that open and close to best interface the interior environment to the exterior. With the volume of interior cool air, the appropriate orientation and exposure to sun load, and proper use of hydrogen technology, the entire environment can be energy independent. Much of the basic food necessary to the community will also be produced on site. In fact, these aspects of the design are mission critical - they are part of the R&D of the project. Use what you “sell.”
Matt Taylor
Palo Alto
December 8, 2001

SolutionBox voice of this document:


posted: December 8, 2001

revised: December 14, 2001
• •

(note: this document is about 15% finished)

Matt Taylor 650 814 1192

Copyright© Matt Taylor 2001



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