Matt Taylor Studio Project An Introduction to Basic Architectural Practice Projects The following are web sites and projects under development by those who have participated in this course in 2000: Adam Walker: Ethan Leander Timm: Ian Winters : Johah Bernardi: Matt Fulvio: Matt Taylor: Martina Fauser: Reynaldo Miranda: Susan Bullen: Tanya Jones: htpp:// Taren Pang: As yet, I do not have all the sites listed here. Anyone who is aware of a stray URL please send it to me. It has taken awhile for this aspect of the course to get started. Now, we are approaching a critical mass of sites. Remember, the purpose of the site is for each of us to post our own work and to provide feedback to the others. This is an important stage of the design process. If we fail to finish this phase, we fail to complete a cycle of the creative process. It is only by completing the cycle that we free ourselves to go on to new work including taking this work to a new level. I will post my feedback below and add to my comments in responce to further work on these web sites.
Matt Taylor SolutionBox voice of this document: posted: November 6, 2000 revised December 27, 2000 This document is 5% finished Copyrigt ©2000 Matt Taylor
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