
Concept Model
December 10, 2001

@Ground Zero
S p e r a n o v a

Program Statement •
• November 11 and 17 Notes • Deployment Options


November 9 to February 9, 2002

On November 9, 2001 Sandy Goodkin asked me at lunch to outline an approach for rebuilding Ground Zero. I responded with a series of points which I recapped in my Notebook on November 11th. Later that day I drew the first sketch. This sketch was drawn from memory of the site and the placement of various buildings.

The Tensegrity concept was not developed in this iteration however most of the other features were. Issues of scale and size are illustrated.

Total effort: one to two hours.

This was Scott’s first rework of my sketch. It brought to light several design questions.

Total effort: one or two days.

Between the 6th - 9th of December, Scott and I developed a scale site model sizing the Tensegrity structure to the site.

Total effort: about 3 days.

Scott and Apollo produced this rendering from a photo of our concept model on the 10th of December. The true scope of the project can be seen.

Total effort: 2 days

During the last week of January, Scott developed a new section view to scale exploring the five basic elements and their possible grammar.

Total effort: 3 days

Each of these concept sketches and models, produced over a four month period, explored a variety of aspects intrinsic to the the basic idea of the project. Each is a little different. Phase II involves a far greater level of work and a great deal of analysis of site conditions, structural constraints and programmatic elements. The result of this inquiry will be a three meter by three meter model that will simulate the World Game aspects of the design. The intent is for this model to tour a variety of cities to explain the concept and to build support for this kind of approach which has far more to it than is usually considered in the realm of architecture.


The concept holds up, however, advancing it requires a committed research and design effort. The first means to this will be a SFIA spring semester course the goal of which is to create an accurate architectural model that solves the existing site specific conditions. This work will include a base-line economic model of the concept showing how it works as a seed for a 21st Century “Replacement City.”



July 24, 2002:


>From the Red Rock Eater News Service ...
universal scorn for the six WTC corporate redevelopment "concepts"
(and refusal to accept them as starting-points for negotiation),1419,L-LATimes-Print-X!ArticleDetail-66567
WTC: pesky citizens getting in the way of a neat corporate planning process
(9/11 survivors emerging as a force for good design)



Matt Taylor
December 13, 2001
Palo Alto, California


SolutionBox voice of this document:



posted December 13, 2001

revised February 10, 2002
• • 200112 • •

• •

(note: this document is about 15% finished)

Cpoyright© Matt Taylor 2001, 2002


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