Continuum Health Care - 1997
Using the Tool to Create the Tool
The core delivery system of MG Taylor’s work is the navCenter environment. The navCenter is not only the physical thing. The navCenter ENVIRONMENT is the totality of the work-processes, environments and technologies focused on accomplishing a specific mission that is critical to a real organization’s success.
Vandebilt VCBH Innovation Center - 2002
Every organization is an unique culture charged with a different mission; every NavCenter is different in it’s specific manifestation. The PRINCIPLES that determine what a NavCenter is and its basic operation remain consistent throughout the many environments that make up the family of Centers.
Hilton Head knOwhere Store - 1996
NavCenters are used for a variety of purposes. The concept is adapted to each circumstance by a process that employs the “tool to make the tool.”
Palo Alto knOwhere Store - 1997
This notion of BOOTSTRAPPING has been - IS - intrinsic to the navCenter concept. We used to say “it takes a Management Center to make an Management Center” and this is still true. We once made a clear distinction between Management Centers and navCenters but the utility of this discrimination is fading. In the past, we employed the Management Center tag to identify that broad phenomenon and the navCenter tag for the various community, organization, culture specific adaptations. Generally, we built what we called Management Centers for our own use and created navCenters for partners and clients. Then, in 1997, we created the knOwhere Stores, the EY (now CGEY) ASE environments; after that the distinctions between Management Centers and navCenters became blurred. We use the term navCenter now and this refers to a full capacity environments distinct from an office or an event environment we may provide a partner or client. What we call an RDS is a portable event or work space. An RDS navCenter refers to a full capacity yet portable environment.
Capital Holding navCenter - 1992
Today, I think of the NavCenter as the generic idea that is adapted to many specific organizational uses such as ASE environments, knOwhere Stores and a wide variety of clients uses: the USAF Gossick Leadership Center is focused on strategy and aerospace development; The Detroit Edison Learning Zone on education and employee development; the Borgess Navigation Center on strategy, health care delivery, learning and community development, the Langley NASA NavCenter on re-engineering and intrepreneuring; The Vanderbilt VCBH Innovation Center on research, Informatics development, and dissemination of fact-based information and methods to health care organizations. Of the several environments now on the drawing boards, one is designed for facilitating the executive team, one on delivering corporate services another on education and community development and yet another on community development. All together, the NavCenters that we have built - and are building - for our own enterprise purposes, and for partners and clients, provide environments for many industries and governments: energy, health care, consulting, higher education, aerospace, retail, military, federal agencies, state governments; and they focus on many disciplines: enterprise incubation, R&D, architecture, product prototyping, learning, and manufacturing.
AEDC Gossick Leadership Center - 1992
What is common among all navCenters and how this pertains to how navCenters are made and maintained has to be understood by anyone desiring to make or run one. navCenters can only be made by a ValueWeb enterprise and they stay healthy to the extent that a healthy ValueWeb structure/process is in place. It can be equally argued - and I do - that a ValueWeb Enterprise requires the facilitation and augmentation provided by navCenters to remain viable. Several navCenter environments are necessary for a large, complex ValueWeb enterprise to sustain itself and grow. ValueWebs and navCenters are intertwined; they exist only if the other exists - the demands of system integration requires this.
Joseki Group Offices - 2002
What does a navCenter environment do for a ValueWeb system? It is the place where system integration can happen. What does a ValueWeb enterprise do for the NavCenter(s)? The web provides the resources necessary for the NavCenter to exist and the variety necessary for it to adapt appropriately. NavCenters and ValueWebs are symbiotic systems.
Atlanta CGEY ASE - 1999
It is this symbiosis that determines the HOW NavCenters environments are made and sustained. New NavCenters come into existence because an existing ValueWeb enterprise - or several of them - clones the new NavCenter environment which is then adapted (after a level of maturity is accomplished) to the new culture thereby adding to the prior ValueWeb architecture and, in time, building a new web of its own. We have found no other way to do it. This new web, at least at the beginning, must partially overlap the creating web. When a new web is formed and “leaves” the parent (if it does) it must grow to a certain critical mass to survive. Even then, it will keep usually some ties to the originating web. It has been history - and sometimes painful history - that NavCenters that focus only inwardly on one organization will fad and die in a few years (at completion of the first, mandated task).
At present, it is the business of MG Taylor to create NavCenters. As the ValueWeb matures, This will become the work of organizations in the inner clam shell of the web. This is consistent with MG Taylor’s Business Model which is to exit a business or product/service as soon as some part of the ValueWeb can competently take it to scale. To date (October 2002), we have direct experience in the making of over 20 Centers of vatious kinds each having applied our methods in the pursuit of some objective. So far, the lessens have been consistent. The making of navCenters and ValueWebs is an organic process; it is rule-based; it requires rigorous methods, discipline and passion; it is a transforming process - to make a navCenter - and a navCenter is a tool of transformation. A navCenter requires the resources of a large organization even thought it is made to support individual change-agents in their work to transform organization; they are the neutral agent - the bridge - between today and the future.
Orlando navCenter - 1985
When Gail and I started MG Taylor we had a clear mission; this mission has not changed to this day. Simple stated, this mission was to change the way people work. In our experiences and research prior to starting MG Taylor, we had discovered that for every complex systemic problem our society faced there were many viable alternatives being tested somewhere and in many cases in multiple locations on Earth. Why then was the adoption rate so slow? Were people simply stupid? Did they not know about the alternatives? Did they not care? In our experience - then and now - these negative assumptions do not hold up. What emerged time and again was that people wanted to do far better than they were, cared passionately about it, and felt trapped in the system in which they worked.
This “system” of work was everything including the organizational structure, work protocols and processes, the tool set and how it was applied, the way the information was employed to the paradigm in which they operated. To attack or attempt to change any one of these independently of the other was an exercise in sub-optimization and futility. A SYSTEM has to be dealt with, as a system, whole.
OK, how do you do that? This was the design question we faced. Our answer was simple: if you want people to think and act in a more comprehensive, systemic way then put them in a total environment (physical place, work process and tool set) that was made that way and works that way and then facilitate them in solving their problems; “build one version of a better future, and invite people into it to design their future.” And, this is what we did.
GoTo navCenter ValueWeb

Matt Taylor
Palo Alto
May 28, 2001


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posted: May 28, 2001
revised: September 12, 2010

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(note: this document is about 40% finished)

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Copyright© Matt Taylor 2001, 2002, 2010

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