School of the Future - Today
The Consequence of the Master’s Projects
The Master’s Academy and College NavCenter and new campus projects are worthy project in themselves. They are, however, steps along the way to a broader agenda that will eventually have global impact. This is to prototype the school of the future and to facilitate its broad dissemination in all places and cultures.
To do this will require building a ValueWeb of great sophistication and, ultimately, global reach.
This will outline the “school of the Future” program and its opportunity; it act as a “bird call” to nascent ValueWeb members and will, thus, incubate the concept. In time, a web site will be set up to facilitate the project and provide resources to its ValueWeb members.
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Matt Taylor
February, 2004



SolutionBox voice of this document:


posted February 25, 2004

revised February 25, 2004
• •

(note: this document is about 1% finished)