postUsonian Project
jachobs House 1936
by Framk Lloyd Wright
I n d e x
In 1999, not long after I first started this web site Notebook, I wrote an article on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian houses and other projects of like kind. Now, as of August 2010, the Post Usonian Project page is the most visited page on my site by a large factor. Over 600 people visit this URL a month - some times up to 1,500. It has long been my intent to revisit the Usonian concept and recreate it for the 21st Century. In September 2003, SFIA Architects-Master Builders took this on as a project and it is now being carried on by tsmARCHITECTURE, a division of MG Taylor. We are scheduled to have a study plan of our first design posted on the web by December of 2010. In the meantime, several URLs, each covering a different aspect of the Project, are in place and periodically updated. In addition, public and private BLOGs have been set up. All these, in total, over time will sum up to an outline “business plan” for the postUsonian Project. The recent melt down of the housing market along with the dubious means of financing too expensive and ecologically unsustainable houses may now present an opportunity for people to discover a sane way of thinking about their personal living and work habitats. Recent scientic discoveries are also confirming what many have known for centuries that habitat does have a profound impact on cognition, health and personal development.
There are two index listings below. The first is a brief description of each URL (or web “page”). The second is an index of subjects with links to the different places, across URLs, where each subject is treated.
INDEX by Subject
The Post Usonian Project

Returning to a Tradition
Begin a New One

This is my original page posted March 4, 1999. This piece covers some of the background of the Usonian including my personal introduction to the art facilitated by Dr. Hanna and Mrs. Pew. In addition, work by other architects and developers is noted, as well as, links to web site resources. It is the visits to this URL that has convinced me that there is tremendous pent up energy for this kind of environment and that the time to launch the postUsonian Project is now.



drawing coming:
a restatement of the Usonian vision
September 16, 2004

Usonian One

A Concept


The UsonianOne URL Page outlines the basic Business Model, including services and product to be initially offered, of the postUsonian Project and how the Project will evolve from project to organization to ValueWeb. The postUsonian Mission is stated and a detailed Program Statement is in progress.



postUsonian Project

Prototype Options


There are four options for doing postUsonian prototyping: The WorkConservatory, EcoSphere, Bay Area Studio and the yet to be designed first postUsonian design (due September 16, 2004. This URL, posted April 21,2004, page explores these four options, links to their URLs, comments on the role of R&D in architecture, establishes general prototyping criteria, links to the public BLOG, and raises the question if a community of postUsonians will be necessary to a successful prototyping program. This page also links to the four subjects below: Design Development, Organizational Intent, Customer and Conditions. These four essays directly relate to the first postUsonian design process now under way.



postUsonian Project

Design Development


This Page reviews the Design Development process, its schedule, the kinds of ways the postUsonian will have to be build-able and the necessary network system of Producers.



postUsonian Project

Oganizational Intent and
Producer Network


The Intent of MG Taylor Corporation is stated on this page, as well as, the role of the ValueWeb architecture in the greater postUsonian Enterprise.



postUsonian Project



The role of the Customer/User and involvement in the total process is explored here including thoughts on what the profile of this customer might be. The value of HABITAT competency as something that cannot be delegated is pointed out along with the consequences inherent in our present culture’s non-sustainable life-style. Why the postUsonian must address these issues - to be true to the Usonian heritage - is delineated. The scale of work necessary to sustain a Producer network is proposed.



postUsonian Project



What are the conditions necessary for a postUsonian ENTERPRISE to flourish? What signs are there that these conditions exist and will remain long enough for a critical mass to be reached? What is similar - and different - to the post-depression and post WWII periods? A review of Wright Sized Houses is provided to illustrate the basic principles that Wright employed throughout his practice.



postUsonian Project



Technology will plan an important role in the postUsonian in several ways. These will have to be “smart” houses. Multimedia will be embedded in them in a seamless way and in a way that is both mentally and physically healthy. The method of building will employ sophisticated technology even when owner-built. This Page explores these options.



postUsonian Project



This Page looks at those things that can repress or defeat a postUsonian effort and identifies countermeasures. The deck is still stacked against this kind of architecture, however, present times may present the best opportunity yet. The major competition is a new concept of the American home typified by the illustration. This is a sophisticated product sold by highly focused companies. This approach is supported by land use planning, the concept of the city, the consumer paradigm, codes, media and financing. This is what a whole lot of folks want to have, and as a package, they have not been offered a real alternative.



postUsonian Project

Nature and Size


This Page explores the nature, scale and scope of the Enterprise opportunity from a ValueWeb perspective. What happens if a MARKET is created for a new expression of the Usonian House? What happens if this market is served by totally integrated services from design, to manufacturing, to building, furnishing, financing, real estate sales and resale? What happens if this market spans across, at least, North America? What are the global and systemic implications?



postUsonian Project

Public BLOG


This BLOG is a public open forum on the Usonian concept and its place in the 21st Century. The intent it to conduct a vigorous dialog that will lead to action. Other BLOGS, some public, some private, focused on specific aspects of the Project - and on individual projects - are expected to spin out of this experience. The goal of the BLOG is to create a functioning ValueWeb of Investors, customers and Producers.



postUsonian Project

Private BLOG


This BLOG is focused on the basic idea of a postUsonian and the formation of a business, Renascence Homes, which will be one of many, to provide services and products. At present, the bloggers are from the core MG Taylor companies and a few friends; e-mail me if you are interested in this aspect of the Enterprise.



postUsonian Project

Reading List


After Mr. Wright died there was a period where it was popular to both ignore his achievements and ridicule him as a man and an architect. “Modernism” was in control to soon be overthrown with “post modernism.” Slowly, however, the tide turned as people looked back on his body of work from the distance of a generation. Then the books started to pour out. Books from the Taliesin archives, books from former clients, books from other architects and even academia. Wright has become an industry that generates more money than, I expect, he ever earned in fees. I think that he would find this both slightly scandalous and certainly amusing. There are many very good books, now, on Wright and on the Usonian vision and practice. Some highly relevant to our purpose are listed below. I urge to to add these to you library. These are books to read time and again - to absorb slowly through intellectual pores - to treasure as the work they describe deserves treasuring.



postUsonian Project

A Strategy


If you add it all up, what will it take to be successful? Why should the postUsonian succeed where many very good efforts have failed? What is success, anyway - and how can it be measured? How can downside risks be made minimal? How can success, itself, be prevented from destroying the very thing we set out to do?



postUsonian Project

Hand Written Notebook Pages


In parallel with these web pages, I have been making entries in my hand drawn notebooks. These are listed below. The concept that I will develop as a candidate for UsonianOne came into focus in these pages. It is far easier to design with a site in mind so I stared with the Elsewhere property. In actuality, I will develop the plans further for the Tillers land [link]. This is an ideal location for a postUsonian for historical, and regional reasons and because of the project itself that the Tillers organization has taken on.



PostUsonian Project

Rosenbaum Usonian
What Makes an Usonian an Usonian?


Using the Rosenbaum House as an example, this Paper identifies the basic principles of the Usonian concept and how they can be recreated and applied to the present era.

There are video clips from my 67th birthday work-party celebration when we reviewed the postUsonian project.



PostUsonian Project

A WAY of Working
The Usonian Workplace


I have spent most of the past 25 years applying organic principles to the workplace. This Paper outlines the UsonianWorkplace be it in the home the work environment or mobile.

There are video clips from my 67th birthday work-party celebration when we reviewed the postUsonian project.


INDEX by Subjects
Usonian Houses
Jacobs [link] • Hanna [link]
“Usonian” House designer/builders
aaaaaa [link] • aaaaaa [link]
postUsonian Ideal Customer/user
aaaaaa [link] • The Smiths as a model couple [link]
postUsonian Market
aaaaaa [link] • aaaaaa [link]
postUsonian ValueWeb
aaaaaa [link] • aaaaaa [link]
aaaaaa [link] • aaaaaa [link]
These postUsonian pages have grown, organically, as we, at MG Taylor, SFIA-Master Builders and a growing ValueWeb, have developed concepts about the Project. This INDEX links you to both a history of the Project, as well as, my personal thoughts about it. As such, none of this is intended to be a formal and complete presentation of the ideas. This effort is a Notebook, Nothing more, Nothing less. That said, the case made here - for the rebirth of the Usonian - is a very strong one. There is strong evidence of a market. There is clear proof of need. We have accumulated the experience necessary to advance the state-of-the-art of the Usonian concept. The financing mechanisms necessary for funding these homes exits - if we can build a compelling case for the lenders. We have the means to start the prototyping process.
This Project will happen if there develops enough energy to do it. There is a potential market or there is not. We will create a ValueWeb that develops and becomes that market - or not. There is nothing to stop this except the inertia of the present way and a few who would see it as a challenge to their narrowly defined self-interest. The present way of providing housing is not sustainable - not socially, not economically, not ecologically. It does not have a future. There are few alternatives capable, however, of replacing the present system. The postUsonian project will not solve avery housing problem our society has. It is a start. It can open the door to a wide variety of new and better solutions. It is a beginning not an end.
Life is about choices. The market is just the sum of everyone’s choices. It can have a life of its own and it is a reflection of millions of individual votes. The question is simply put: what do you want to do? How do you want to live? How do you want to employ the social tool called a building industry? [link] What legacy do you want to leave to the future? How do you vote in the market place of ideas and goods? [link]
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Matt Taylor
In flight: Nashville to Elsewhere
May 16, 2004

Major update:
August 25, 2010


SolutionBox voice of this document:


posted May 16, 2004

revised August 25, 2010
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(note: this document is about 75% finished)

Matt Taylor 615 720 7390

Copyright© Matt Taylor 2004. 2005, 2010



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