Taylor Glyphs are used in this document as fonts In order to not get strange letters Download and install the Taylor fonts Windows [ink] Mac [ink] | This Article is in four parts. The first establishes the context for understanding and using this material. Part Two, covers the first 11 Aspects of Memory. Part Three, the final 11 Aspects. Part Four, outlines the required capacities, that applying this Method to the creation of dynamic systems, are necessary in order to accomplish the aim of this System and Method. It also addresses some aspects, in terms of this Method, that memory is not. | | 12 - The state of the entire system is the memory (State 1, State 2, State 3 State... n) | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of interaction among | 4on the scale of a global Transportation Systems such as an Airline rL5-Ss4: | Employ the movement of the human and artifact Agents through the System as the means of governing the response and adaptation of the System. Track %each Event ! (from home to home) as a series of descrete steps (State 1, State 2, State 3, State... n) that switch/trigger responces that: 1 - facilitates 2 each traveling Agent through a seamless, non interrupted, user option-rich travel experience ;; 2 - provides feedback (ToA) [link] to optimize the real-time (ToA) and future performance of the System itself; 3 - enhances the information (ToA) in the system, about the system (Agency ToA) and its components (Agents ToA), providing memory for all participating Agents on a Reciprocal Transparency (ToA) [link] basis; 4 - Automates and supports Agent transaction processes. | See: Fig. SS3-12 | 5On the scale of designing global communities of work | Build ValueWebs with infrastructure resources, Fig. SS6-2, and employ processes, Fig. SS1-1, in augmented environment (real and virtual), Fig. SS3-12, at critical mass ToA and scale ToA, sufficient (Appropriate Response Model) to make Mind Engines, Fig. SS6-1, that provide Nets, 20 Fig. SS6-2, with active, strong ToA memory that remains requisiteToA with the transaction rate and changes within said Net and its environment. | The entire system is the memory. Every change change the memory of the part and the whole. Recall, reenacts a circuit of the system (Channel, Nodes, Thresholds) and, itself, becomes an event (which is then “added”). | This can be seen and treated as a progression of discreet States. | The frequency of (messaging, measurement or awareness) these states (1, 2, 3, n... ) is determined by the change rate of the system and its environment. Too fast is redundant and burdens the system, too slow and the system fails. This is context sensitive. To govern itself in this regard, the system must employ feddback of a complex kind (ToA); i.e. feddback on feedback. | The system does not remember - it re-acts. Doing so, it changes the memory. | Prior States leave physical traces for extended periods of time. | architecture_pattern • 13 | | 13 - Awareness of the systems architecture pattern is necessary | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | In any complex system, some awareness (feedback) of the architecture pattern has to be available to some portions of the system as content. This does not have to occur on the threshold level necessary to provoke consciousness (as commonly defined or experienced by Humans). | | 14 - Sensors to the environment are necessary | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | A system cannot retain memory cut off from an environment. Memory, to be retained, has to be stimulated and reinforced. It bleeds like a capacitor. It takes continual information and energy to keep memory intact. Bleeding, however, does not loose memory - it changes it. | Different Channels, Nodes, Thresholds and Clusters can have different sensors. Different Channels, Nodes, Thresholds and Cluster can rely exclusively on others sensors as the information is passed on. These architecture attributes are significant. | No sensor, no feedback, No feedback, no learning. No learning, no memory. A memory event requires a difference, a distinction. | The environment of any system can be can be acted upon on many levels of recursion depending on the function being studied or employed. What is an environment is functionally defined and revealed by a process action. | | 15 - Geometry has content | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | The shape, form and pattern (multidimensional in a complex system) of the geometry of memory, itself, has content. Channels, Nodes and Thresholds form Clusters. When active, Clusters look for a similar patterns in their own system and in other systems. When active, Channels, Nodes, Thresholds and Clusters generate fields which influence and act upon other Channels, Nodes, Thresholds and Clusterss. | These clusters are embedded experience and, therefore, have meaning - Agents of similar composition complexity and pattern experience - not necessarily species - can understand this meaning - and add their own to it (given a coherent system). | | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | When memory acts there are competing Agents each bringing a different shading to the experience. Systems employ simple voting rules to sort out these voices. These rules are context sensitive and adjust (by rules) from feedback (in complex systems). | Voting is continuous and never complete. Voting rate is a factor of ambiguity and importance (greater gap equals greater information potentail equals more voting) to the system (inside a non-external-crises context). Ambiguity and importance are discribed by the 3 Cat Model (the difference between RealZ, Concept X and “Mechanical C cats). More than one level of recursion and iteration is necessary in complex conditions and environments. | Voting competes with other potential actions and consumes system bandwidth. This is a feature, The system becomes aware of high levels of conflict. | | 17 - Memory employs language | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of interaction among human Agents rL4-Ss1, when messaging to or communicating with individuals from different fields, professions, regions, age groups, philosophies: | Test your circuit before investing in massive communication. What you said is the feedback (message) that returns not the meaning you ascribed to your words as an output. What happened to your message is the memory map unique to the individuals/group you engaged. | Each individual is the sum of their prior experience. They are their memory. Each human culture attaches different meaning to words according to their common experience (group memory). The description and language of this experience reinforces the experience and memory of it. The language is the codification of the experience. Each field and profession has Terms-of-Art that define their profession. This is memory of the profession. Your message creates new memory - there is no experiment (dialog) without consequence. | 4on the scale of an environment rL5-Ss2 for human Agents of different backgrounds and cultures: | Employ a matrix of denotative and connotative elements, each speaking specific Agent idioms, in order to deliver a clear, unified architectural message to a broad population. | Different shapes, colors, sounds, forms, textures, rhythms, denote and connote different meanings. This is the language of human architecture (and culture). Different humans, as individuals, and as members of different cultural groups, are different memory sets - or patterns. There are universal and idiosyncratic meanings given to the components (shapes, colors, sounds, forms, textures, rhythms) of this architectural language. To speak strongly to the memory that is - to create a new memory - requires linking directly with the existing memory pattern, then, bridging to and creating the new pattern(s). This is why idiom and style are so important - they are cultural gestalts. Expereince chunks. People who make movies understand this. To deliver a single message requires a plurality of language elements. Each human agent will connect each element in a different way. However, the sum of all of them can provide a remarkably uniform experience (and memory). This is what art does. This is why art is not a luxury but a necessary function of human experience. Manufacturers of quality, high perforce automobiles understand this. | 5On the scale of designing a computer augmentation system interfaces rL2-Ss3 facilitating human Agent work: | Employ multiple languages. Avoid the too simple interface mostly word based. Avoid arbitrary uses of color, form, sound, textures. Allow the user to build the interface from a language kit. Employ icons and glyphs that have intrinsic, deep, social and cultural meaning. | Existing systems actually work against the memory patterns of some users. Using such systems can cause memory lapse, confusion and deterioration. Systems and technologies are not neutral. They are embodied thought processes. Using them, employs those thought processes. This triggers all kinds of mental and physiological responses in Human Agents - mostly unintended. | Signals in a memory circuit are coded - they employ Language (Deep Language). Channels and Nets are not neutral - they become part of the message (Channels and Nets modify both language and the message). The power of a message is related to its fit: the number of nodal connections made, the reinforcement of existing Channels and the location of these hooks in the architecture (chunks of self organizing clustered cascading hierarchies) of the system. | Agents of different types employ different languages and language systems. An Agents access to the information in a system is limited by the ability to read the language employed. Information potential can exist but not be readable. It is a feature of this System and Method to employ new language(s) as a means of reading existing information previously unreadable by human and other Agents and to make bridges between these gaps. | | 18 - Dialog within and without the system transacts instructions | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of interaction among human Agents rL4-Ss1, as a facilitator using the natural authority of the position (facilitator, teacher, guide): | Shape language as an instruction to the group - as a whole - and to the subconscious of each individual. | Conscious (ToA) mind programs unconscious (ToA) which will respond within the limits of the system. Giving oneself the instruction to wake up in the morning at a specific (non habitual) time is an example of this process (see Lilly). Within the negotiated limits of the facilitation mandate, direct the process, firmly, without equivocation. This frees the participants from unnecessary overhead. | 4on the scale of an environment of human Agents rL5-Ss2, arrange the environment of Agents (furniture, artifacts, knowledge-objects, natural elements, and so on): | To speak explicitly to the work to be done and the spirit of the occasion. | The design use of prospect and refuge, connotation and denotation, symbol and message are the means for doing this. | 5On the scale of a computer knowledge-base systems rL7-Ss3 using the 10 Step Knowledge Management Model: | If step 3 finds match of 65% or greater send list to step 4 recipients as priority 2; then, initiate step 5. | This is a push action on the part of the knowledge-base that delivers a must read message to a work team on a real time basis. The Tracking (Step 5) and Feedback (Step 6) protocols are automatically started. | Each transaction is an instruction to some Agent (simple or complex) part of the system to take some action K. An instruction does not have to be followed by a free-Agent ToA - it does by a owned-Agent ToA. | In poorly designed and/or operated systems, instructions self-cancel - this leads to sub-optimization of the system and high overhead. The net vector of a group of activities is low. Natural alignment in an individual human, an organization or a system is the result of the clarity and fit of the language instructions employed. | | 19 - Memory chunks into self organizing clustered cascading hierarchies | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On the scale of a complex PatchWorks Design exercise, | hierarchy_of_environment_functions | 4on the scale of an Innovation city [link] rL5-Ss2, to design &the organzation of functional spaces: | Structure the relationship between the functional spaces in an hierarchy that clearly expresses the purpose and program of the environment and allows for a high level of user alternatives and adaptability. | The experience of human Agents within a building lack coherence and continuity if the pattern language of the environment does not convey necessary information related to location and logistics, place and purpose, use and tool assembly - and so on. This is critical in the case of large scale structures such a cites and mega-structures. This is the same issue that in the design of computer systems is called interface. It is a question of language. Readable (by the Agents in focus) language has to be embedded into the structure of the environment. Contradictory and arbitrary messages have to be avoided - they are often built-in by default or ignorance. | Provide feedback to the Structure (as Agency [link]) and Technical Systems (as Agents [link]) so that they can adapt, respond and document as they learn and support user routines [link]. | The experience of human and other agents inside a building (made up of agents) is the memory of the building. In traditional buildings, there are few means to retain that memory and make it effective. There exists a gap between the level of recursion of the building and the human and other Agents within it. A smart or intelligent building has means to retain the Agent experience and employ it in specific ways - it adapts (see Brand [link]). | Large_system_optimization | 5On the scale of a global Transportation System: | (Agent tracking/transacting) | These chunks can act K as Agents - or not. Chunks are at a higher level of recursion ToA than the parts of which they are composed. The hierarchies are clustered. Cascading is the propensity to recall and trigger (act K). It is never determined. | Self-organization is a factor of memory being active [link] and seeking patterns of like kind. This is a requirement of an evolving network architecture. Patterns of different media (numbers, text, size, shape, tone, rhythm, relationship, material, age, texture, sound, taste, smell, color, to name a few) can be recognized (by different systems) and chunked. | Clustered cascading hierarchies can be switched/triggered leading to complex, fast and autonomous responses. In human Agents, reading, speaking, reacting to perceived danger are examples. In machine Agents, an expert system landing an airplane is an example. In network systems, a load prioritization routine, in response to an overload, is an example. Feedback L is a common switch/trigger in these examples. All these switched/triggered responses are rule-based (hard or soft coded). Clustered cascading hierarchies are roughly equivalent to long term memory in systems where this concept is relevant. | | 20 - Memory is not storage | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | Storage is necessary to memory but is not memory. Storage, itself, cannot be considered memory. Everything is storage and contains memoryy. | | 21 - Consciousness is not necessary | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | Consciousness is feedback Kfrom one part and/or level (of recursion) of a system of sufficient scale, mass and repetitive frequency that the system becomes aware of some aspects of its own functioning and/or actions (see: Janes). Feedback of a complex kind (see: Weiner) and critical mass is required for complex memory and self-aware systems. | | 22 - Complex Memory systems parallel process | EXAMPLES Of Pattern Language principles and Rules in various expressions: 2On scale of | Information Theory and AI established the Model, long ago, that most organic systems must parallel process. This conclusion stems from the difference of their throughput compared to their cycle time. To date, most human-designed systems are linear; they are very fast - on the level of machine cycle time - but engage in one sequential operation following the one before. | Complex systems require a far greater utilization of resources. | This makes sequencing a far greater engineering problem than exists in simpler, linear systems. However, sequencing and threading do not have to be totally understood or controlled in order for the system to be viable. Certain rules of intersection, input and feedback do have to be working. Non-directed, not predictable inputs and feedback messages are a means of inducing randomization into a system that otherwise may just be a self-fulfilling process heading for stasis. This random process subsystem is essential to, what on the Human scale of recursion, is called creativity. It is an essential element in the creation of machine intelligence. Design and operation of the random element (via feedback and inputs from different iterations and levels of recursion of the system), on the scale of large, complex, multi-modal systems - made up of Agents of different kinds - is critical. It is a key aspect of how these systems actually work. | The same mechanisms can function in a way that does not trigger self-awareness - even in systems capable of it. | | Matt Taylor Nashville September 20, 2002 SolutionBox voice of this document: • ENGINEERING STRATEGY • PRELIMINARY | posted: September 20, 2002 revised: June 16, 2005 20020920.473711.mt 20020921.789718.mt • • 20020922.075531.mt • 20020923.441411.mt • • 20020924.450902.mt • 20020925.344512.mt • • 20050615.100826.mt • 20050616.562810.mt • (note: this document is about 55% finished) Matt Taylor 615 525 7053 matt Taylor e-mail [link]Taylor IP Statement and Policy [link] Copyright© Matt Taylor 2002, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2005 | |