Matt’s 67th Birthday Party
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postUsonian Review
On the afternoon of September 16, 2005, for my 67th birthday celebration, several of us gathered to review the postUsonian Project. This was, supplemented by a great diner afterwards.
The following is a documentation of this session with additional notes and links to relevant materials.
Mr. Wright built the first Usonian House in 1936. This was a time of great renewal of his architectural practice. He was 69 years old at the time and still had 23 years of practice ahead of him. In many respects, the Usonian House was his greatest achievement. He accomplished a level of architectural art at a cost that has rarely been achieved before or afterward.
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Matt Taylor
September 16, 2005


SolutionBox voice of this document:



posted: September 16, 2005

revised: September 18, 2005
• • •

(note: this document is about 1% finished)

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Copyright© Matt Taylor 2005